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When I was 6, I was bedridden for months with a bout of illness. My beloved papa bought me a huge basket of art supplies and I took to drawing and crafting like fish to water. My mama filled my head with endless marvellous fairy tales. My love of art and story-telling blossomed. Papa set up an account at our nicest little local art supplies and stationary store. I was to pick up any art supply that I fancied, put it on the tab and my father would pay for it. As I grew up, I pursued a scientific career and later, motherhood. These days, whenever I could find the time to create art – it fills my heart with overflowing joy and gratitude. I hope you can feel the utmost enthusiasm, warmth and love, when you hold a piece of my creation in your hands.

Warmly, Jzin Teng. Dreamer, Artist, Owner. Castle of Costa Mesa

Photo: I am in my Southern Californian garden with a bouquet of fragrant harvest: Cecile Brunner rambling roses, feverfew, coral vines under my golden muscat grape vine arch.