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Dear children, how many ways can of traveling can you tell me of? Driving a car, flying in an airplane, riding a horse, running, rowing and more. Here are some chinese children’s songs about travelings and ways of moving around. Scroll down and look at the may ways we may travel.

        1. Airplane
        2. Alukala Dragoon Brigade
        3. Ballad of the Great Wall
        4. Hiking
        5. It’s a Small, Small World 世界小小小
        6. Land of the Silver Birch, or Green Boat among Silver Waves 銀波緑舟
        7. Little Song of Taiwan
        8. Rowing, Rowing (to Grandmother’s Bridge)
        9. Searching for Plum Blossoms in the Snow 踏雪尋梅
        10. Thai Hu Boat
        11. Train, Go Quickly
        12. Trishaw/ Strange or Not 三輪車 / 奇怪不奇怪

How shall we travel today, my dear? By ox or by deer?

Ge zhichuan moving his dwelling (葛稚川移居图) by Wang Meng. Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368).  Source

Travelling with the king’s men from Ming dynasty…

on foot with riotous banners of many colors…

by the galloping feet of horses…

on a palanquin atop shoulders of many footmen….

inside a majestic carriage drawn by elephants…

On foot, following your master with giant umbrellas as he saunters on his steed…

Departure Herald. Details from this Ming Dynasty handscroll shows how the king travels with his Royal retinue …read more 中文. National Palace Museum, Taiwan 國立故宮博物院


Travelling with Chinese ghosts…

Zhong Kui 鍾馗 Traveling with His Sister (detail). Painting by Gong Kai (1222-1304). This is a detail of a longer scroll. Click here to go to wikipedia to find out the interesting story behind Zhong Kui, commander of 80,000 ghosts, vanquisher of evil beings… and where is he off to, on makeshift sedan chairs with his sister.

Tao Yuanming 陶淵明 returning home. Would you like to travel like that?

Returning Home. Handscroll painted by Chen Hongshou (1650). Click here to read more about one of the greatest Chinese poets, 陶淵明 Tao Yuanming.


  • david winn

    am an old granpa. my 3 yr. old gran daughter’s great gran father immigrated from china in 1913. i am proud that my little josie is cherokee/irish/chinese/french. a good mix i reckon. i download fotos to let
    josie and her little bro spence know about their ancestry. well done on the
    many projects you display! you are an artist, young lady!

    March 31, 2013

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