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Waldorf Through The Grades


Daily Eurythymy Excercises

The Farmer Rose at the Break of Day. Nunu learned this elaborate daily eurythymy exercise in Ms Holly’s kindergarten class.

Kindergarten Garden

Planting an apple tree

Weaving the Willow Arbor

Mimosa Pudica


The Pumpkin King. Here is a song for autumn that Nunu learned from Ms Holly’s kindergarten.

The Apple Orchard Eurythymy. Nunu told Baba Zhenny a story she had learned in Kindergarten from Ms Holly. This is the Apple Orchard eurythymy which the entire class had been participating in.

The Story of Saint Michael and the Dragon. Nunu came home from Kindergarten today and told me this story which Ms Holly had been telling the class for Michaelmas.

I polish This Sword

A beautiful verse accompanied the kindergarteners’ work as they polished their wooden swords.

This is my sword I polish with all my might
I will use it for what is right
Not for some silly quarrel or fight
But to drive away evil
I will try
And to protect those who are weaker than I

Kindergarten Lantern walk

Winter 2011

Advent Spiral

Winter Festival 2011


May Faire


Ms Julia took the children to build houses in the Stump Pile.


Jzin’s Etsy Store, Castle of Costa Mesa

Here’s my latest handwork for sale on Etsy. Please support my crafting mania by shopping on my Etsy store, Castle of Costa Mesa. Thanks a zillion!

Oh! How the winds pick up my kite so high!

Summer is slipping away and autumn brings us the cold gusty air. Kite boy for Fall and Winter season tables, available on Etsy: Etsy store, Castle of Costa Mesa

140905 Kite Boy / Birthday boy / Snow Ball Boy /Caroller etc. Fall and Winter Season Table Doll by Castle of Costa Mesa.

Kite boy on my Etsy store. Thank you for supporting Handmade!

Snow White and Rose Red playscape with many surprises, available on Etsy.

Snow White and Rose Red were two sisters who love each other very much. They were also as different as night and day. One day as they were walking in the woods, they encountered a strange little fellow…

140904 Woodland Snow White and Rose Red playscape vertical.

Snow White and Rose Red often ran about the forest alone and gathered red berries, and no beasts did them any harm, but came close to them trustfully … More on Etsy.

140904 Rose Red and Snow White with duckling square 2

140904 Gnome caught fish square 2

Castle of Costa Mesa store on Etsy

Gallery of Past Projects from The Waldorf School of Orange County Craft Group

Click on the image below to view our Waldorf School of Orange County weekly craft group projects.

140907 Monday morning craft group. Waldorf School of Orange County. Show girls. CastleofCostaMesa.Com. 2

Be in the know for upcoming handmade giveaways: Like CastleofCostaMesa.Com on Facebook

130530 Square Giveaway 6 Waldorf Flower Fairies at Tanager Park

I give away my lovingly handmade dolls and crafts every season. If you “Like” my Castle of Costa Mesa Facebook page, you will be notified of upcoming giveaways. Click here to view the list of my past giveaways. Perhaps the next winner could be YOU?

Like Us on Facebook black and white. Fairy Tale Dolls, Handmade With Love. I want you to love learning mandarin chinese!CastleofCostaMesa.Com


Support Our Local Waldorf Community/ Place a Free Ad

If you are interested in placing an ad on “Support Our Southern California Waldorf Community” (free if you are a member of Southern California Waldorf community) please e-mail me a good picture and a link.

Meanwhile, please support our local peeps! Thanks! – Jzin


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