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Hello fellow classmates in 葉利玲老師 (Ms. Grace Yeh)’s ICS First Grade class,

I compiled a “Chinese New Year Songs for Children” CD WITH LOVE as a gift for you!

My wish is that you listen to it everyday (and every waking moment! Copy one and listen to it in the house and 1 to listen to it while driving!) so you will be familiar with the songs “賀新年 / 拜年 Hexinnian / Bainian”. I have included many popular songs, mostly sung by children on the CD. I have intentionally included multiple versions of “賀新年 / 拜年 Hexinnian / Bainian” in the CD. This way, as you listen to the whole CD, naturally, you will learn the 2 songs mentioned. If you scroll down on this page, you can print out the lyrics, translations so you can belt out the song aloud during your daily routines! Also, you can view videos and lyrics of the songs and sing along with them! Fun fun fun way to learn Chinese!

  • Our children will be performing Song number 1 “賀新年 / 拜年 Hexinnian / Bainian” for our Chinese New Year Performance.
  • Venue: the world-reknown Irvine Barclay Theatre 
  • Date: January 28, 2011.
  • Day: Saturday
  • Performance Time: 7pm
  • Please note that the performance will be at 7 pm and a rehearsal will be in the afternoon at 1 or 2pm on 1/28.
  • Sign up your child on the Class Shutterfly link. Do consider signing up and joining us, this will be a good way for our kiddos to have a happy memory of their chinese learning experience. Also, the children will have a good opportunity to bond with each other in the lifelong journey of learning Mandarin Chinese language and Culture. Scroll to bottom to check out the costumes and props!

Please check back as I update this page. Leave me a comment in the box below, if you have a comment. Thank you!


Wishing our kiddos fun and enthusiasm in their Chinese learning journey!

With love,



“Chinese New Year Songs for Children compiled with love by Jzin” CD Song List.

Simply scroll down to view the videos and lyrics of the 12 songs.

  1. Hexinnian+Bainian 賀新年+拜年 Greeting Chinese New Year by 王雪晶 Crystal Ong + 小妮妮  Xiao Ni Ni
  2. Xinnianhao 新年好 by Crystal Ong 王雪晶 & Queenzy Cheng 莊群施
  3. Gongxi Gongxi + Daluo Dagu 恭喜恭喜 + 打锣打鼓 Gongxi Gonxi + Strike the Gong and Sound the Drum by Four Golden Princess 四千金
  4. Hexinnian+Bainian 賀新年+拜年 by Four Golden Princess  四千金
  5. Wang Xiao E Bainian + Gongxi Gongxi + Hexinnian 新年歌組曲 #1 王小二拜年 + 恭喜恭喜  + 贺新年  by   Xiao Ni Ni 小妮妮+ Ting Ting 婷婷
  6. Yingqunhua Dadihueichun 迎春花+ 大地回春 Spring-greeting Blossoms + The Earth Returns to Spring by 四千金 Four Golden Princess
  7. Dongbian Qiaoluo Xibian Xiang 東邊敲鑼西邊響 by M-Girls 四個女生
  8. Hexinnian 贺新年 by Qiao Qian Jin 巧千金
  9. Xixi Haha Guo Xinnian 嘻嘻哈哈過新年 Chinese New Year Song 80’s
  10. Caishen Dao 财神到 The God of Fortune Cometh (In Cantonese) by Sam Hui 许冠杰
  11. Jixiang chuan wanjia 吉祥传万家 by Qiao Qian Jin 巧千金 – (CNY 2007)
  12. Fugui Huakai medley 恭喜恭喜春天来了富贵花开迎新年新年好凤阳花鼓花开富贵 by M-Girls 2008

[I am sorry, there are 2 or so commercials stucked to the end of the last song on the CD. Please pardon me, I have just learned how to search for songs, convert youtube files to mp3 and burn into discs. I do not know yet how to crop mp3 files! So, there you go, when you get to the final bits of the CD, you can skip past the grocery store and wine commercials that I do not know how to edit out.]

Key Dates

  • 12/18/2011 Sunday In class singing recital. The children learned to sing the song! Bravo kiddos!
  • 12/25/2011 Sunday Merry Christmas! No Class
  • 12/31/2011 Saturday mini dress rehearsal playdate
  • 1/1/2012 Sunday 1pm Bill Barber Park rehearsal playdate. Just look for us there!
  • 1/1/2012 Sunday Happy New Year 2012! No Class
  • 1/6/2012 Friday 2pm Our Class Only rehearsal in Room 222 upstairs at the school
  • 1/8/2012 Sunday School Wide Rehearsal
  • 1/15/2011 Sunday
  • 1/22/2011 Sunday
  • 1/23/2011 Monday. Gongxi Facai! Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon!
  • 1/28/2011 Saturday. 2pm rehearsal at Irvine Barclay Theatre. 7pm Show time! Chinese New Year Performance.
  • 1/29/2011 Sunday

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The Song we are performing: “賀新年 / 拜年 Hexinnian / Bainian”

Greeting Chinese New Year 賀新年 / 拜年 Hexinnian / Bainian.

Lyrics below. Scroll down to view the videos and to sing along with the lyrics on the videos! Please check back. I will upload translation, simplified chinese version, pinyin pronunciation guide and who knows? Perhaps even zhuyin fuhao for kiddos to learn it? If you drop me a line in the comment box, I will be compelled to work on it sooner! 🙂

賀新年 • 拜年
嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 賀新年
嘿! 嘿! 嘿! 過個太平年
賀新年 祝新年 新年啊 年連年
賀新年 祝新年 新年啊 年連年
賀新年 祝新年 新年啊 年連年
願大家都過個太平年 ….. 2x
年初一頭一天 家家戶戶又要過新年
穿大街 走小巷 霹靂拍啦 炮竹響連天
正月初一頭一天 家家戶戶過新年
大街小巷懸燈彩 炮竹響連天
七個隆咚鏘咚鏘 炮竹響連天
七個隆咚鏘咚鏘 炮竹響連天
小妹過年好歡喜 換上新鞋穿新衣
從頭到腳打扮好 上街去拜年
七個隆咚鏘咚鏘 上街去拜年
七個隆咚鏘咚鏘 上街去拜年
過新年來拜年 小姐小姐 汽車在那邊
穿過街 走過巷 大家一起拜年 去拜年
(男) 聽說小姐去拜年 我有汽車在那邊
只要開說ㄧ聲 去那兒也不難
七個隆咚鏘咚鏘 去那兒也不難七個隆咚鏘咚鏘 去那兒也不難
(合) 相逢何必曾相識 萍水相逢有姻緣
一見鍾情像閃電 一起去拜年
七個隆咚鏘咚鏘 一起去拜年
七個隆咚鏘咚鏘 一起去拜年

Below in Simplified Chinese and Hanyu Pinyin of the first part:

贺 新  年   祝  新  年
hè xīn nián zhù xīn nián

  年    年   连  年
xīn nián ā nián lián nián

爆  竹  声    声  催 
幼 年
bào zhú shēng shēng cuī ren xiǎng yòu nián

贺 新  年   祝  新  年
hè xīn nián zhù xīn nián

  年    年   连  年
xīn nián ā nián lián nián

  月  悠  悠  光    阴  如 箭
suì yuè yōu yōu guāng yīn rú jiàn

回  首   往   事  如 烟  痛   苦 辛  酸
huí shǒu wǎng shì rú yān tòng kǔ xīn suān

   从   今   万  事  如 愿
qi wàng cóng jīn wàn shì rú yuàn

贺 新  年   祝  新  年
hè xīn nián zhù xīn nián

  年    年   连  年
xīn nián ā nián lián nián

   大 家  都  过  个 太  平   年
yuàn dà jiā dōu guò gè tài píng nián


[P.s. again…if you find any mistakes, please leave me a comment on the box below. Also, if you know of better songs, or your favorite ones which are not included here, please let me know! Leave a comment below. Thanks!]

(1)  Hexinnian+Bainian 賀新年+拜年 Greeting Chinese New Year by 王雪晶 Crystal Ong + 小妮妮  Xiao Ni Ni

王雪晶 小妮妮 – CNY 1999 – 12 – 贺新年 / 拜年

Thank you Mr. Woofington for uploading this song on

(2) Xinnianhao 新年好 by Crystal Ong 王雪晶 & Queenzy Cheng 莊群施

Thank you waveadib for uploading this video on
(口白) 四季里 收成好
新年到 丰收的新年多热闹

新年到 丰收的新年多热闹
舞龙灯踩高跷 迎财神接元宝
家家户户乐逍遥 (口白)

过新年 人人笑 见面说声新年好
新年好 快乐的新年多热闹
无论男和女老和少 穿新衣带新帽
大家乐乐陶陶 大家欢迎新年到
大家欢迎新年到 过新年人人笑
见面说声新年好 新年好
快乐的新年多热闹 无论男和女老和少
穿新衣带新帽 大家乐乐陶陶
大家一起欢迎新年到 好新年新年好

(3) Gongxi Gongxi + Daluo Dagu 恭喜恭喜 + 打锣打鼓 Gongxi Gonxi + Strike the Gong and Sound the Drum by Four Golden Princess 四千金

Thank you myxiaoxin for uploading this delightful song on!

(4) Hexinnian+Bainian 賀新年+拜年 by Four Golden Princess  四千金

Thank you Tekkenmasterbrendan for uploading this song on

(5) Wang Xiao E Bainian + Gongxi Gongxi + Hexinnian 新年歌組曲 #1 王小二拜年 + 恭喜恭喜  + 贺新年  by   Xiao Ni Ni 小妮妮+ Ting Ting 婷婷

Thank you ansha910 for uploading this video on

(6) Yingqunhua Dadihueichun 迎春花+ 大地回春 Spring-greeting Blossoms + The Earth Returns to Spring by 四千金 Four Golden Princess

Thank you myxiaoxin for uploading this cute video on!

Another version. A little silly, but the voices are soothing.

Thank you tekkenmasterbrendan for uploading this song on

(7) Dongbian Qiaoluo Xibian Xiang 東邊敲鑼西邊響 by M-Girls 四個女生

(8)Hexinnian 贺新年 by Qiao Qian Jin 巧千金

This is a slower version by the cute little children of Qiao Qian Jin group.

Thank you waveaidib for uploading this cute video on!

(9) Xixi Haha Guo Xinnian 嘻嘻哈哈過新年 Chinese New Year Song 80’s

(10) Caishen Dao 财神到 The God of Fortune Cometh (In Cantonese) by Sam Hui 许冠杰

OK! I know, I know, this song is Cantonese, not chinese. But it is so much fun, so I included it!

Thank you comaco for uploading this fun song on!

(11) Jixiang chuan wanjia 吉祥传万家 by Qiao Qian Jin 巧千金 – (CNY 2007)

(12) Fugui Huakai medley 恭喜恭喜春天来了富贵花开迎新年新年好凤阳花鼓花开富贵 by M-Girls 2008

Album: 福禄寿星拱照/花仙子

Thank you Edwin0520 for uploading this festive medley on!

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  • Ken

    Thanks for the list. Exactly what I need for my kids. It’s hard for the kids to learn these traditional songs nowadays, and I’m trying my best to get them exposed.

    January 19, 2013

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