September 15, 2014. A Monday Morning in Southern Californian Heat Wave.
Today our Waldorf School of Orange County craft group got together again for the second time this 2014-2015 school year. We gathered under the gazebo outside of The Company of Angels store. Our handwork teacher Christine Newell prepared the supplies and taught us how to make this wonderful craft which I think is useful for delightful post-apocalyptic home beautification. The supply fees for this craft was $12 dollars. We were so happy to see each other again and also to meet new friends.
We spent 3 week on recycled T-shirt yarn projects. Click on the below to view our craft journey for each of those weeks…
- Week 1: Post-Apocalyptic-Skill Set: Weaving Recycled T-Shirt Yarn Place Mats, Week 1. Monday Morning, September 8, 2014
- Week 2: Craft Projects with Recycled T-shirt Yarn, Week Two. Monday Morning. September 15, 2014
- Week 3: Recycled T-shirt Yarn Projects Week 3: Woven Rugs, Knitted Bags and Crochet Place mats. Monday, September 22, 2014
Heather suggested a book club. Sounds tempting! Who’s in?
Please join us every Monday morning 8:40am-10:50am at the Company of Angels to make various crafts. Presently, Christine is taking suggestions for craft projects for this school year. If there is something you really would love to make, please let Christine know, so she could schedule it for craft group. Click on below picture to see a gallery of our past craft group projects.
You can “like” and follow our weekly craft group projects on facebook here.
Please think also of craft group projects you will like to make or see offered, as our craft group donations for our 2015 Waldorf School of Orange County annual gala fundraiser. It’s still early for May 2015, but it’s good to give ourselves plenty of time. E-mail me, if you have ideas: [email protected]
– Jzin. September 15, 2014
This morning, we finished up last week’s woven T-shirt yarn place mats. Christine also showed us how to make other crafts with homemade T-shirt yarn.
Removing Weaving from Circular Cardboard Looms.
Anička pushing down tabs on her cardboard loom to release her woven place mat. Click here to see her crafting process from last week.
Melissa’s finished woven T-shirt yarn place mat on our cherimoya tree. Click here to see a tutorial, including Melissa’s work in progress from last week.
Sacred Geometry. Perhaps this is partly why nature makes me so joyful!
Kathy’s woven place mat.
Jeniffer’s place mat has a scalloped edge, akin to a blue flower.
Anička’s place mat, released from its loom…
Bonjour! Anička and her woven impromptu jaunty little beret!
Lovely dress pictured above was handmade by her mom, Alena!
Anička stitched on a strip of Christine’s beautifully hand-dyed rose colored leftover T-shirt as a sash and models her newly fabricated fascinator/beret hat!
Cathrine started one this morning and finished it by the night…
This colorful place mat above will be donated by Cathrine to our 2015 Waldorf School of Orange County Annual Gala in May 2015! It will form a basket of “All Around the Year Crafts with Christine Newell, handmade by Cathrine Ji.” Thank you Cathrine!
Click here to see our past Waldorf School of Orange County March 2014 Annual Gala offerings on Pinterest.
Knitting T-shirt yarn into small bag
Next, Christine showed us how to make bags by knitting with T-shirt yarn.
Cathrine cutting up gorgeously tie-dyed (by Christine) T-shirts into 1″ wide strips to make yarn.
Click on the picture below to see more on how to make T-shirt yarn (last week).
Melissa starting to knit a rectangle with T-shirt yarn to make a small bag.
Christine knitting with Anička. Notice Anička bedecked in her freshly fandangled couture fascinator. Très chic!
Knitting Mnemonic rhyme: Christine recited the knitting rhyme with Anička:
“In through the front door, running around the back, out through the window and off jumps jack.”
– American knitting rhyme.
Cathrine sang her rhyme with Adrian for Continental style knitting…
“Under the fence, catch the sheep, pull it throught and off it leaps.”
– Continental style knitting rhyme.
Knitting little bag with T-shirt yarn.
Check back next week to see the finished handwork.
Making Knitting Needles
Sanding dowels to make knitting needles…
Adrian then oiled his knitting needles with lemon oil.
Adrian test-driving the newly handmade knitting needles in the dappled shades.
Siblings crafting T-shirt yarn bags with American and Continental styles knitting.
Hula Hoop Looms to Weave T-shirt yarn rugs
Christine fashioned this loom out of hula hoop. It will be used to weave bath rugs.
Rachel weaving a bath rug on circular hula hoop loom.
My Needle-Felting Pad today
I was making this little wool tapestry while pausing to take photos and chit chat with everyone.
Presently, this Guardian Angel is available on my Etsy store. If it’s sold, you can ask me to make another one for you.
Upcoming Craft Group Projects
Crochet T-shirt yarn projects for next week! Also, Christine will be helping us complete all T-shirt yarn craft projects.
Look at the little cherimoya fruiting on our cherimoya tree in the garden of The Company of Angels store.
Upcoming Monday Morning Craft Group schedule…
- September 22, 2014. Crochet T-shirt yarn project. Complete all T-shirt yarn craft projects
- September 29, 2014. Knitted socks with 4 needles – or – Knitted and felted bag in the round.
- October 6, 2014. Socks and Bag continued
- (hmm.. please check back on update of this following date…It’s Columbus Day/no school that Monday)
- October 13, 2014. Dry/Needle-felted Mouse in a Pumpkin House! This will be a very popular craft, be sure to come! Click here to see last year’s gorgeous work!
- October 20, 2014. Weaving 2 wine bottle basket with flat reeds
Craft group starts at 8:45am. Christine leaves at 11:40am to teach Grade 7 handwork, you are welcomed to stay and work after that time.
- October 11, 2014 Marionette workshop at Maple Village School, Long Beach, California.
- November 1, 2014, Saturday. 10am-2pm. Introduction to sewing machine class at Waldorf School of Orange County. Sign up sheet will be in the Company of Angels store. Class size limited to 10.
Upcoming craft group project: Mouse in a Pumpkin House! Christine’s grandson, Jack made this pumpkin mouse-house below last year when he was still in Kindergarten!
Josephine made this mouse-house below last year at craft group. Click on the picture below to see photos from craft group last year.
Please check back to see updated schedule, or look on door of Company of Angels for craft group schedule.
Jzin’s Etsy Store, Castle of Costa Mesa
Thank you for supporting my crafting mania by shopping Castle of Costa Mesa on Etsy!
My latest: Hansel and Gretel.
Here’s a little kite boy in the morning sun, donated on Monday to Miss Arieta and Miss Kelli’s kindergarten class Fall Season Table. An almost identical one is available in my Etsy store! Etsy store, Castle of Costa Mesa.
Kite boy on my Etsy store. Thank you for supporting Handmade!
Snow White and Rose Red playscape with many surprises, available on Etsy.
Snow White and Rose Red were two sisters who love each other very much. They were also as different as night and day. One day as they were walking in the woods, they encountered a strange little fellow…
Snow White and Rose Red often ran about the forest alone and gathered red berries, and no beasts did them any harm, but came close to them trustfully … More on Etsy.
Castle of Costa Mesa store on Etsy
My wool picture made on Sunday night as a new store housewarming gift for Lisa.
My New Art Website:
Check out my new art website:
Please “Like” my painting facebook page, so you will see my upcoming artworks. Thank you for your support of my passion! – Jzin
A sketch of my sister.
Please “Like” my painting facebook page, so you will see my upcoming works.
Gallery of Past Projects from The Waldorf School of Orange County Craft Group
Click on the image below to view our Waldorf School of Orange County weekly craft group projects.
You can “like” and follow our weekly craft group projects on facebook here.
Be in the know for upcoming handmade giveaways: Like CastleofCostaMesa.Com on Facebook
I give away my lovingly handmade dolls and crafts every season. If you “Like” my Castle of Costa Mesa Facebook page, you will be notified of upcoming giveaways. Click here to view the list of my past giveaways. Perhaps the next winner could be YOU?
Support Our Local Waldorf Community/ Place a Free Ad
If you are interested in placing an ad on “Support Our Southern California Waldorf Community” (free if you are a member of Southern California Waldorf community) please e-mail me a good picture and a link.
Meanwhile, please support our local peeps! Thanks! – Jzin
New addition to our community page: Fermentation Farm in Costa Mesa.
Check out our Yasmin’s new store, Fermentation Farm in Costa Mesa. You can also like her on facebook. Good luck, Yasmin!